Becoming Women of Wisdom: Marking the Passage into the Crone Years

This is a guidebook outlining 13 circle gatherings to enable groups of women to deepen their experience of themselves as wise older women and claim their power as crones.

The curriculum is designed for women who are entering or have passed through menopause. The resource section includes sample decade stories, resources for songs and music for use with the curriculum, and a list of recommended books. The enclosed CD includes handouts and additional resources.

Becoming Women of Wisdom was written by Melody Lee, in collaboration with co-creators Karen Edwards and Dorothy Emerson, and published by Rainbow Solutions.

Everything you need to facilitate the process is in the 100 page spiral bound book, including a CD with handouts to copy or email to participants. The cost is $45. You only need one copy, although some groups with co-facilitators get two.

Becoming Women of Wisdom opens the participant to the power, wisdom, and insight of the mature self. With the image of the triple spiral labyrinth to guide their progress, participants share the stories and photographs from of each of the decades of their lives as they move into the center of the labyrinth to discover their inner wisdom and out again as they explore ways to share this wisdom with the world.


Each circle includes poetry, story, art, music and dance to help women connect to the profound meaning of this life passage. Participants are invited to recall and record memories of their lives in WOW (Women of Wisdom) books. The curriculum concludes with a croning celebration as participants celebrate their new status and name themselves crone, queen, elder, or grandmother.

Participants report they find the program very exciting and are getting to know themselves and each other at a deeper level than ever before. One participant commented that she was not happy when the group decided to meet on Sunday afternoons, but once the program started she didn’t want to miss any of the circles.